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7 Ideas for Kitchen Makeover
SmithJohns1. Add a Bowl of Fruit
Fruits are good for health, but they can also be good for your kitchen; a large bowl of fruits (only fresh ones!) can add vitality and color to any kitchen. And, it s not going to cost you a fortune, right? So, you can give this idea a try right now; the market is not far.
2. Faucets
Giving a kitchen an instant face lift has never been so easy before! Faucets for kitchen come in a variety of colors and metallic finishes; you got to give this idea a try to really understand what I mean when I say, even a faucet can make a difference .
3. Color
You can start with the tableware; dishes, today, come in all kinds of colors and designs, pick what clicks you. Then, there are table cloths and window coverings; it s time to experiment and bring colors to your kitchen so it looks like Wow .
4. Area Rugs
Area rugs are not just for your living and bedroom; you can also pick them up for adding a touch of color and excitement to your kitchen. Just give it a try and see the kind of dramatic change it brings to the entire kitchen area. You can buy area rugs online as well (in case, you hate shopping outside).
5. Laminate
Heard about laminate before? Well,
sheets should always be considered by a home decor enthusiast, especially for the kitchen counter tops.
We all would agree that counter tops are an integral portion of a kitchen area, and therefore, it s all the more important to work on their appearance. Laminate sheets for counter tops are arguably one of the best makeover ideas for a kitchen. Your kitchen will never look the same, once you cover the surfaces with carefully chosen decorative sheets. And, these are cost-effective as well; with the use of modern manufacturing technologies, these sheets are made to be perfect for all horizontal and vertical applications in a home as well as commercial interior designing needs.
Wood laminate
is an ideal choice for kitchen remodeling.
6. Kitchen Handles
When was the last time you looked at your kitchen handles and felt like changing them? Well, if you haven t changed them, you should perhaps do it in this New Year.
7. Unused Space
Let s promise ourselves (in this New Year) to make the best use of space available; try this with your kitchen as well. So, for an example, if you have some vacant wall space above your cupboards, then you can perhaps install small shelves and fill them with collectibles, herbs & spices, dishes, etc. Just look around and think of ways to dress up that empty space.
Contact Greenlam to buy the top quality laminate sheets for your kitchen
counter tops
. Greenlam offers cost-effective and very sturdy products.
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