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Submitted by: LR Hand
So you think that posture is merely the upright, straight position or carriage of the body. But have you considered that there is an another kind of posture related to your Network marketing business? It’s known as MLM Posture.
It is your MLM posture which will make or break every business presentation that you give. That means it is fundamental for you to begin building this skill level as soon as possible. That being said, in this article I am going to layout just what posture is and how to get it.
I. Just what is MLM Posture anyway?
The most valuable component of your presentation will be your MLM posture. Now seeing that we all come into this industry from numerous backgrounds, it’s safe to say that we each have different skill-sets and posture that we can lend to our presentations; a lot of people will naturally have it while some will not. Just remember, we all have the opportunity to educate and improve all areas of our internet marketing business, this includes our MLM posture. So don’t get frustrated if your posture is not quite there yet.
When you speak to a prospect regarding your MLM, whether it’s a friend or acquaintance or somebody you just met, your posture will be the first thing they’ll pick up on. This is the first impression they get from you within the first couple of seconds. It will absolutely let them know whether they are going to be paying attention to all of your presentation with an open mind or shut you down with a closed mind.
So now that you understand what MLM posture is, we should get down to the nuts and bolts of how to acquire it.
II. How to get Posture
As we just learned, there are individuals that just naturally possess a very good speaking posture, and the rest of us have got to work at it. The first part of posture is confidence. After all nothing says success like having confidence.
Since more than likely you’re a new comer to the internet marketing industry, you’ll want to borrow confidence from your upline until you begin to cultivate your own. Yet another way of developing confidence would be to develop it yourself.
Listed here are 3 ways of increasing confidence:
1) Knowledge Base
You should develop extended understanding of each of these:
1. Product – It’s essential to be a product of the product. As you develop your own personal product testimony, you will discover your belief in the company along with your posture soaring.
2. Compensation Plan – The majority of folks come into Network marketing to generate money. Your confidence is not going to hold much water to your prospective distributor if you fail to tell them how they are going to be generating revenue. Learn your Pay Plan.
3. Successes In Your Company – Get to know the testimonials of others in your company. That way you can relate their achievements to your potential business partners. For example, if Joe is a 6-figure earner within your company and he had been working in construction, then it is very easy for your prospective distributo
to identify with somebody that is having success who comes from a blue collar background.
2) Work on Yourself
Develop your MLM posture by hanging around successful people; winners want to hang around other winners, so go where the winners are. A few examples are your company specific functions, chamber of commerce mixers and basically going to functions and associating with success-oriented people.
Working on yourself includes reading success-oriented books such as Think & Grow Rich and Rich Dad, Poor Dad to mention a couple and listening to success-oriented audios from people such as Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki. When you fill your mind with successful thoughts, they become successful actions.
3) Play to Positive Words
Your use of words is key when talking to qualified prospects and also your downline. If you are confident, you will have a tendency to talk more confidently and use words and verbiage that make people react.
Exactly why do they respond? Because people react to authority and people they perceive to have it.
Here are a few words and phrases to use: I Will, I can, I’ll do this, Definately
Here are a few words and phrases to avoid: I think, I’ll try, Probably, I can’t, maybe
One other place you need to make sure you are using very positive words is in your self-talk. Positive self-talk increases your confidence in your mind, which in turn shows your confidence through your actions and in your posture. So step out and tell yourself the truth you’ll need to be successful.
Gaining great MLM Posture isn’t going to occur overnight. But it happens with lots of practice. Take the knowledge you acquire from reading books, events and audios and apply them every day to your MLM business. As your confidence grows, so will your business and undoubtedly, you’ll have achieved MLM posture.
About the Author: Improving your MLM posture doesn’t just help increase the amount of people you sponsor into our home business but it will also increase the quality of people you attract. To improve your skill-sets to a level beyond rejection when sponsoring, check out
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